
Design, Development




Watchlur is a movie database website similar to IMDb or TMDB.

Originally, this project was created in collaboration with Arkan for the web design competition at Telkom DEVORIA Season 1. My role was UI/UX Designer & Frontend Developer, while Arkan focused on Frontend Development & PWA.

Later, in late 2024 - now (this project is still work in progress), I decided to redesign and rebuild the project from scratch as a way to explore design concepts, learning, and enhance my skills in Next.js 14 App Router, Server Component, TypeScript, React Query, animations, and more.

Detail Project


UI/UX Designer, Frontend Developer


Danis Zaidan

Explore Movies and TV Series

Find millions of movies and TV series in our database movie library. Get inspired with now playing, top rated, popular, and many more.

now playing
top rated
Media Gallery

Organizes and displays trailers, videos, and images related to a movie or TV series, allowing users to explore videos and images in a visually engaging format.

photo video
photo all
video all
Advanced Search

Allows users to refine movie and TV series searches using filters and sorting options. It also categorizes results into Movies, TV Series, and People, making it easier and find relevant content.

Movie Overview & Details

This feature provides key movie information, including title, rating, duration, genres, and synopsis, along with production details such as director, writers, budget, revenue, etc.

more detail
Cast & Crew

View the full list of actors, directors, and crew members for each movie or TV show. Get details about their roles and explore their filmography.

actor all
More Features
to Explore
Loading Effect & Caching

Watchlur uses skeleton loading for a smooth experience while fetching data. With TanStack Query caching, previously loaded data is stored, reducing refetching and speeding up page loads.

Hover Detail Card

Watchlur uses skeleton loading for a smooth experience while fetching data. With TanStack Query caching, previously loaded data is stored, reducing refetching and speeding up page loads.

Responsive Design

Watchlur is fully responsive, ensuring an optimal viewing experience across all devices, from desktops to tablets and smartphones, with a seamless and adaptive layout.

infinite scroll
Infinite Scroll

Enables seamless browsing and smooth experience of movie and TV series lists by dynamically loading more content as users scroll. It utilizes useInfiniteQuery from TanStack Query.

watch provider
Watch Provider

The Watch Provider feature helps users find where to stream, rent, or buy movies with direct links from JustWatch via TMDB.

watch trailer
Watch Trailer

The Trailer Preview feature lets users watch official movie trailers directly via embedded YouTube videos.


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danis zaidan